support, education and advocacy since 1993


Tuesday Talks

Tuesday Talks are back in person!

Talk it out at Tuesday Talks

Ask questions, share your thoughts, explore ideas, find support and grow. Since 1998, we have hosted Tuesday Talks in our center each Tuesday at 5 p.m. Each week features a unique discussion group comprised of UCR students and facilitated by LGBT Resource Center staff. Topics and groups vary week-to-week. All are welcome to come.


  • The center will be closed on Tuesday evenings to all but those participating in Tuesday Talks.
  • Tuesday Talks are staff-facilitated discussion groups, not student-led organizations. For example, the QPOC Tuesday Talk group is not the same thing as the QTPOC of UCR student organization.
  • Tuesday Talks are not open to students attending events for class credit.


Our Tuesday Talk discussion group rotation includes:

Ace & Arrow Talk
This supportive discussion group is recommended for self-identified asexual and aromantic people and their allies to explore the complexities and marginalization of these identities, and how they intersect with the rest of the LGBTQ spectrum. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Coming Out Stories 
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer people and their allies are invited to join a supportive discussion on "coming out." Share your story and listen to others'. Help us celebrate National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11)! Pizza provided. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Deconstructing Gender 
All are welcome to join a supportive discussion on how we deconstruct concepts around gender, explore ideas outside the gender binary, and how we create new language to describe our gender identity. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Faith Talk 
This supportive discussion group is for LGBTQ and questioning students to explore their experiences with faith, spirituality and organized religion. Please respect this meeting as a safe space for members of the LGBTQ community. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Family Talk 
This supportive discussion group is for LGBTQ people and their allies to share experiences around family and coming out, acceptance, and building better relationships. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Fluidity Talk 
This supportive discussion group is for students to talk about the bisexual, pansexual, nonbinary, transgender, queer and questioning communities, or the need for any labels around sexual orientation or gender identity. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Gender Presentation in Fashion 
It can be really hard to find clothing that does not fall into traditional gender roles and categories. Join us for a supportive discussion on how we navigate the fashion industry, shopping and the choices we make for the sake of fashion in queer culture. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Grrrl Talk 
Lesbian, bisexual, queer, and questioning women and their allies are invited to join a supportive discussion group. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Guy Talk 
Gay, bisexual, queer, and questioning men and their allies are invited to join a supportive discussion group. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Labels & Language
This supportive discussion group is for LGBTQ people and their allies to share experiences around self-labeling and the language we discover, create or reject to express our most authentic selves within the queer community. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Let's Have a KiKi
This is a general discussion and open to all. Bring your questions; bring your concerns. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Let's Talk About Queering Relationships
This supportive discussion group is for LGBTQ people and their allies to share experiences around “queering” the spectrum of relationships we build and constructing healthier relationships. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Let's Talk About Sex 
Students of all sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome to join us for a frank discussion about sex and sexuality. This is the only Tuesday Talk session that is open to students attending for class credit.

The QPOC Tuesday Talks Discussion Group is recommended for self-identified people of color to explore multiple identities and the intersections of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

LGBTQ Media Representation 
All are welcome to join us for a discussion on how LGBTQ people are represented within television, social media, literature and other forms of major media. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.

Summer Addition 
Join us for a facilitated discussion about LGBTQ current events, coming out, activism, family, faith, super-heroes, cats, or anything else on your mind. This meeting is not open to students attending events for class credit.



Additional Discussion Groups

Tuesday isn’t the only day you can talk and get support! We also have several other supportive discussion groups throughout the week. These include:



This discussion group is for same-gender-loving, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or questioning students who identify as Black/African-American or of African descent. The group offers a space to come together and discuss community and life issues as well as shared experiences.

See our calendar for upcoming BlaqOUT discussions.

For more information, please contact Toi Thibodeaux at or (951) 827-2267.


LGBT Grad Student Hours

Our center’s meeting room is reserved weekly each quarter to provide a space for graduate students to make connections, kick back over good eats, and share resources. Sometimes food will be provided, but just in case, we recommend bringing snacks.

See our calendar for upcoming grad student hours.


Trans Group

This group is for trans, genderqueer and gender-questioning people at UCR. Please contact us for more information including time and location.