T-Camp: An InterCampus Retreat for Transgender, Nonbinary, & Gender Questioning Students
General information about SoCal T-Camp has moved to a new location online. Click here to learn more about T-Camp Retreat - SoCal Info.
SoCal T-Camp will be held in April in the San Bernardino Mountains, with the application process taking place in January/February. The participation model for T-Camp SoCal has been updated in 2025. UC Riverside undergraduate students are eligible to apply to attend T-Camp. The LGBT Resource Center will cover the cost of SoCal T-Camp for UCR students accepted to attend.
General questions about SoCal T-Camp may be directed to socaltcamp@gmail.com. Questions about NorCal T-Camp may be sent to norcaltcamp@gmail.com.
T-Camp is built on UC Irvine's ground-breaking TGQQ Retreat in Spring 2011, which brought together trans/genderqueer and gender questioning UCI students for a 1-day retreat. UCI and other California colleges - including UC Riverside - decided to expand UCI's model to a 3-day intercampus retreat. Our hope was to improve the lives of trans students who often do not have a large trans community on their own campuses and to create more trans-friendly campuses everywhere. T-Camp 2012 included 51 students from 16 campuses (plus 13 facilitators), and was the first retreat of its kind in the nation. In 2016, T-Camp split into two separate retreats to increase capacity for participation: NorCal T-Camp and SoCal T-Camp. In 2018, T-Camp was honored with a NASPA Grand Gold Award of Excellence.
SoCal T-Camp Goals
- Increase student understanding of gender identity, expression, and the trans/nonbinary community.
- Provide access to trans and nonbinary resources and support.
- Encourage and provide tools for self-care and wellness.
- Provide an opportunity to reflect on intersections of identity and intersectional oppression.